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Burial prices are set in accordance with state regulations and by the Eshom Valley Public Cemetery Board.
Current costs of burial services for cemetery district residents are as follows:
Full burial plot: 500.00
Liners: 500.00
Burial open/close of a full gravesite: subject to cost of backhoe contractor
Cremation plot: 250.00
Open/close of cremation gravesite: 150.00
Setting gravestones: 150.00
Current costs of burial services for non-residents of the cemetery district are as follows:
Full burial plot: 625.00
Liners: 625.00
Burial open/close of a full gravesite: subject to cost of backhoe contractor
Cremation plot: 312.50
Open/close of cremation gravesite: 187.50
Setting gravestones: 187.50
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